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ProfileBiographyPhotosVideosLondon Piano Institute

Celine Gaurier-Joubert

   Professional Membership Status
Celine Gaurier-Joubert has founded the London Piano Institute specifically for adults to learn how to play the piano.

She has a tremendous passion to help adults develop their piano technique to a very high level.

A large number of her students travel from all over London and the UK for a weekly one-to-one session in her private studio in the City of London.

A lot of adults today are frustrated and stressed, largely due to longer working hours and economic responsibility. The piano has proven to be the ultimate outlet, a vehicle for letting off steam and for a moment help the individual to escape the doldrums of the daily life.

By performing a piece of Chopin, the individual has the ultimate opportunity to step into a type of third dimension away from everyday life and experience the beauty of music.

That is exactly why Celine is so passionate to help adults learn how to play the piano. She also recognise the fact that a lot of adults have reached an extremely high level of performance and need the master's touch to help them perfect their playing.

She also has international students who take lessons with her from all over the world via Skype.

To find out more about the wonderful piano studio that she has set up for adults, simply visit us

Celine will be delighted to welcome you in her studio in the heart of Mayfair W1.

Be prepared for a tremendous increase in your piano prowess!
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